Outline of Basic Principles

The "basic principles" are the techniques for generating power in hard-style karate.
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Outline of Basic Principles

Postby HanshiClayton » Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:53 pm

Hard-style karate makes an explicit effort to forge the body into a weapon. In my experience, most people don't understand what this means, or how it differs from soft-style striking arts. We have lost sight of this distinction because it has been a hundred years since we routinely hit people. Sadly, it is exactly this skill that lets smaller people defend themselves against bigger people.

This power is achieved through the study of "basic principles."

After years of studying basic principles through the San Ten organization (who in turn study the principles of Master Nishiyama), I have reorganized the principles into the following outline:

POWER: The techniques of building power in the body.

  • Building momentum
    • Stepping
    • Shifting
    • Raising
    • Lowering
    • Expansion
    • Contraction
    • Turning
    • Futi (wrist rotation)
    • Whipping Action
  • Pressure reaction
    • Hip vibration
    • Internal timing
    • Pendulum action
IMPACT: The techniques for transmitting power to the opponent.

  • External Focus
    • Posture
    • Spirit
  • Internal Focus
    • Breathing
    • Timing

These subjects are arranged for teachability. For instance, pressure reaction, hip vibration, and internal timing are not really independent subjects. They are essential parts of the same action, which is the floor-to-fist power spasm that lies on the knife-edge between momentum and focus. They should not be taught as separate principles.

Each of these topics is discussed in greater detail in neighboring forums.

Bruce Clayton

Last bumped by HanshiClayton on Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:53 pm.
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